The California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee reviews matters relating to instruction and curriculum, in addition to recommending changes or improvements to the Chancellor’s Office.
The committee grew from a 2004 system review of the California Community Colleges that indicated a need for a standing curricular issues advisory, as well as the need to “improve systemwide understanding of the curricular approval process.” The 2004 review also resulted in a recommendation that “the role of the Chancellor’s Office should evolve from a focus on approval to one of leadership, technical support and arbitration, when districts and regions need interventions.”
The result was the creation of the System Advisory Committee on Curriculum, which from 2005 to 2016 served as the primary advisory body for matters involving curriculum in the state. In 2016, the committee became the California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee (CCCCC, or 5C).
The committee’s voting members are: eight faculty representatives appointed by the Academic Senate; four representatives appointed by chief instructional officers; two Chancellor’s Office representatives; one curriculum specialist appointed by the Classified Senate; a CTE dean; and an ACCE representative.
The committee is responsible for guiding the Chancellor’s Office on the implementation of local and regional curriculum-related policies and regulations throughout the California Community Colleges systems. The committee is also responsible for developing and revising all Title 5 regulations related to curriculum and instruction, including working with the CCCCO general counsel regarding legal opinions. Finally, 5C works with the Chancellor’s Office to ensure all levels of local and regional curricular design and approval is faculty led and driven by identified student need.
The California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee meets monthly.